
Enumeration Members

10: "App: app received an invalid packet. unknown type packet."
100: "App: network error."
1000: "App: caught unhandled error. an error happen while processing the packet."
10000: "SDK AppBackend: accessToken should not be passed"
10001: "SDK AppBackend: only works inside app"
10002: "SDK AppBackend: failed to setup handlers"
10010: "SDK AppBackend: SetupError"
10020: "SDK AppBackend: sdk received an invalid packet. packet should be an object."
10021: "SDK AppBackend: sdk received an invalid packet. packet should have type property."
10022: "SDK AppBackend: sdk received an invalid packet. packet syntax is incorrect."
101: "App: an internal server error happened on the server."
10100: "SDK AppBackend: aborted because setup failed"
10150: "SDK AppBackend: this SDK version is no longer supported by this App version"
10151: "SDK AppBackend: this API is not supported by this App version"
10152: "SDK AppBackend: failed to send packet"
102: "App: app received an error from the server."
10200: "SDK AppBackend: error happened while destroying backend"
11: "App: app received an invalid packet. invalid data property value."
11000: "SDK ApiBackend: accessToken is required"
11001: "SDK ApiBackend: invalid type"
11002: "SDK ApiBackend: api backend should not be used inside app"
11100: "SDK ApiBackend: this SDK version is no longer supported by API"
20: "App: app received a packet other than init packet. init packet should be sent first."
200: "App: user did not grant permission to the PocketSign App."
201: "App: user did not grant permission to this service"
202: "App: device settings not satisfied"
203: "App: device unable to process the operation"
204: "App: service was not requesting that permission"
205: "App: not supported for light users"
30: "App: tried to initialize SDK with incorrect service ID."
8000: "SDK: invalid argument. should be SDK instance."